Do you want to connect with other food photographers and enhance your photography skills?

Start Your Journey to Master Food Photography


Start Mastering Food Photography

Learn how to enhance your food photography skills by checking out free educational articles and videos.

See Lighting Setup Examples

Want to see my lighting setups on the big screen? Select images and their lighting setups can be found here!

Join the MFP Community

Connect with other food photographers and get featured on Instagram and across social media!

See Past MFP Winners

Check out the MFP winners from previous months. The grand prize each month is a permanent backlink to your website.


Looking for a Photographer?


Check out my Portfolio

Not all of my images are available for viewing on Instagram. If you would like to view some of my other work, click on the link


Hire me for your Photography Needs.

I provide various photography services. For a full list of those services, and to contact me, please follow the link. At this time, all photography is being conducted virtually due to Covid-19.